Electrical License Exam Prep
Our 5 Day Exam Prep Course for Journeymen and Contractors includes a 2-day National Electrical Code Review pre-session class to help you brush up on some of the common installation requirements and recent Code changes. Then the next 3-day class is our Exam Prep Calculations Workshop.
You can pass your test!
If you are preparing to take a licensing exam, this course will help you fine tune your understanding of the code calculations and tables and get ready for a passing score on your exam.
We use the Electrician’s Exam Preparation text book by Mike Holt as the guide and format for this class. This is an excellent study reference as you prepare to take your exam.
3 Day Calculation Class Includes:
- Electrical code tables
- Electrical calculations
- Raceway sizing
- Conductor ampacity tables how to apply 110-14(C) requirements for temperature limitations at terminations
- Junction box sizing
- Motor branch circuits
- Motor feeder circuits
- Voltage Drop
- Residential Service Calculations
- MultiFamily Service Calculations
- Commercial Service Calculations
- Electrical Theory review
- Transformers and much more!
The typical code calculation problem will be presented in this manner:
- The Instructor will first provide relevant instruction, explaining code requirements and calculation methods.
- The Instructor will work an example to demonstrate the proper application of the instruction just provided.
- The class participants will work problems to build understanding and reinforce instruction.
- Participants will come away from the class with the ability to work code problems on their own.
These classes are also approved for continuing education for electrician license renewal in South Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Minnesota, Utah, Iowa, Montana and numerous other states including North Dakota that recognize these pre-approvals. Be aware that state approvals can change on short notice, so check and be sure that your state is covered, and check to see if they will accept one of our pre-approvals if they are not listed here.
Comprehensive Exam Prep Class Combination!
The NEC Code Review and the Code Calculations may be taken separately or in combination.
Exam Prep Classes are held in Rapid City, SD and or by live webinar.
Five Day Comprehensive Exam Prep Class
- 40 hours
- Exam Prep Course includes a 2-day National Electrical Code Review pre-session class to help you brush up on some of the common installation requirements and recent Code changes. Then the next 3-day class is our Exam Prep Calculations Workshop.
- Approved for continuing education code credit in various states.
- Class Cost: $1000
- Mike Holt's Exam Prep book + Answer Key ($90) and NEC CODE BOOK REQUIRED. Books are available at registration check out.
Three Day NEC Code Calculations for Exam Prep
- 24 hours
- Covers the NEC calculations for an exam.
- Approved for continuing education code credit in various states.
- Class Cost: $600
- Mike Holt's Exam Prep book ($90) and NEC CODE BOOK REQUIRED. Books are available at registration check out.