Grounding vs Bonding
Grounding and Bonding is one of the most important and least understood article in the NEC – it’s very important to understand the difference between grounding and bonding in order to correctly apply the provisions of Article 250. Surveys have repeatedly shown that a high percentage of power quality problems are due to improper grounding or bonding, and there’s no better way to learn than from AETech Electrical Training Center.
Few articles can match Article 250 for misapplication, violation and misinterpretation. This program is unique in its ability to explain grounding, bonding and the difference between them, in such a clear and precise manner. This course is approved for continuing education Code credit for electrician license renewal in a number of states, including: SD, WY, NE, MT, IA. Other states accept our class based on the SD or one of the other pre-approvals and it’s accepted as non-code, industry related class in some states.

To find the qualifications for your state check the links on this page.
Understanding the NEC Requirements for Grounding vs. Bonding
Illustrations taken from Mike Holt’s 2017 Grounding-vs-Bonding book will be used, interspersed with applications of the code to review the use of code tables for Article 250.Many electricians also take this class as a good review and update on the NEC, even if they do not need the continuing education hours for license renewal. Either way, keeping updated on the electrical code and furthering your knowledge of grounding and bonding will enable you to be more competent at your job.
Mike Holt’s Text book Understanding the NEC requirements for grounding vs. bonding may be purchased through our bookstore or please call to inquire. (NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS CLASS )